Friday, February 29, 2008

Skrewtape Letters Chapters 4-7

I found these chapters to be much easier to understand. Chapter 4 especially came easy to me. Skrewtapes ideas about prayer make me feel like I could almost fit in. He makes is seem as though the ideal Christian should be devoted and pray often, although I'll admit I do not. There are days before I go to bed I'll say a short prayer, but it's not as often as it once was.
A quote I liked was on page 16, "It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out". I find that true, when you don't know something, like a secret you always want to know more and more. Which I guess he's saying our curiosity is what gets us sometimes.
Another part of chapter 4 I liked was when C.S. Lewis talked about how people see the Enemy and can tell you where he's at. On page 18 he said "'God' was actually located - up and to the left at the corner of the bedroom ceiling, or inside his own head, or in a crucifix on the wall". This makes me kind of interested to know what Skrewtape believes these Enemys think of the devil, like if hell really is below and such.
P.S. I thought listening to the podcast of Chapter 5 was really cool! It was exactly how I'd thought he'd sound and it did infact help me get into the reading a little more. Yay for finally understanding the book a little more!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Skrewtape Letters Chapters 1-3

I thought Skrewtape Letters was going to be a really easy read, although I ended up having to read the beginning a few times. It was difficult to start with, but once I realized it was a story of Christianity, not through God's eyes, but the Devils, it was amusing. Reading a story coming from a different perspective is very interesting and kept me wanting to read on.
In the first three chapters though there were many lines that caught my attention that I liked or thought twice about. One line I liked is on page 7 and 8; "He leaves them to 'do it on their own'. And there lies our opportunity. But also, remember there also lies our danger". I really don't know what about those lines I like, but I'm thinking maybe it's the challenge that is brought up because religion really is in fact controversial and challenging.
I thought C.S. Lewis wrote some great things about truth as well. What is it? Is there always a truth (true and false)? There are so many ways things can be perceived. That actually makes me think about what she wrote about the sciences and philosophy. She talked about how the sciences may not always be looked upon and maybe philosophy should be more heavily relied on.
Well until next time... hopefully we get some more questions answered in the next few chapters!