Friday, March 7, 2008

Skrewtape Letters Chapters 8-11

These letters seemed a little more difficult to follow for me. I ended up like Chapter 9 the most though. It seemed like C.S. Lewis was talking about these temporary pleasures we seek when we are down; sex, drugs, alcohol. I really like when he said, "All the same, it is His invention, not ours. He made the pleasures..." on page 44. It's something to think about, these obstacles that He put here that we fall to when we our suffering from being down. It seems like the Devil gets excited when we fall into these pleasures because they are of wrong doing. God didn't inted sex to be random and not meaningful. Thus when we do have meaningless sex with many partners it's against what God meant.
"The mere word phase will very likely do the trick" on page 46 is another quote I found interesting. I liked that because we do go through phases. I understand that we go in and out of phases, but I don't believe it will as easy as he thinks it will to get them out of their religious phase for good.
Well I'm excited to see what else C.S. Lewis has to say!

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