Monday, April 21, 2008

Screwtape Letters Chapters 22-24

I found these few letters to be very comical. I loved how there was finally a turning point of who was in the lead with the Patient. I believe "The Enemy" was winning again because he had a woman helping him out. I found it interesting that Wormwood would keep the relationship a secret from his uncle who was there to help himm. It was very funny how hard Screwtape tried to bring down the woman. He thought of anything and everything bad about her. I think what he hated and feared most was that she was a devout Christian which is the worst kind of woman. I’m glad that there is this challenge for Screwtape because this could be a breaking point for “The Enemy” to win the patient over for good. I'm very curious to find out what Screwtape will try and to do ruin the relationship and have the Patient back.

1 comment:

Alethea Van Buren said...

I fully agree with your comment. The enemy (God) is always the victor! Downing women has been since the beginning of time when Adam tried to blame Eve for the apple. The devil (Screwtape) will always try to bring a Christian down because they are a trophy to him. The people who are doing the bad things when they are not trying to believe in God. Those people are already his and, therefore, he does not have to bring them down because they are already there. The stronger the woman is in Christ, the more of a threat she is because she will be able to help her man to be stronger and the two of them can really defeat him as well. I would not put anything past Screwtape in trying to wreck the relationship to gain the patient back. The devil likes people alone and all to himself because then he can get them to finish the job in destroying that person.