Monday, May 5, 2008

Screwtape Letters Chapters 28-31

I enjoyed Letter 28 a lot. I liked a lot of the quotes; one of my favorite being from page 155. “Prosperity knits a man to this World. He feels that he is ‘finding his place in it’, while really it is finding its place in him.”. This was in regards to what keeps the youth less willing to die than the elders. I thought his idea of the World not being ours, but us living in the World was interesting.
A portion of the letter I really liked is when Screwtape talked about how time is very valuable. He says on page 157, “How valuable time is to us may be gauged by the fact that the Enemy allows us so little of it.”. I think some people value the time we have more than others do, and agree with Screwtape that the less time the ‘Enemy’ gives us the less time he has to change them. I suppose this is true in real life because the longer you live the more opportunities you have to mess up which is what Screwtape likes.
Can’t wait to finish the book!

1 comment:

.agrigorian. said...

I agree that because one lives longer they obviously are going to have more time to screw up in different ways. Since Screwtape is portrying the Devil he is content with people screwing up in life for his own enjoyment.